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*America's Premier Independent Advisors for Professional Athletes*

ProAthlete Advisors Group provides the following services to prepare professional athletes and Olympians for their careers after sports:

When athletes retire, most face an identity crisis.  Many do not retire on their own terms, and once they leave the game, they also leave behind the fame and fortune, the crowds and adoration. Most are without a clear, organized plan to transition out of sports. They have to find a new identity and re-establish their lives.

Fact: "50 percent of all retired athletes feel they have lost their purpose in life" - Sports Illustrated.

See our "Broke to Bling to Broke List"

We not only focus on working with professional athletes, but we understand their needs, their experiences and can provide a high level of lifetime services!

We know that fundamental knowledge and education are generators of an athlete's successful post-retirement life.

Our advisory team develops post-retirement plans and strategies tailored to our client's specific needs.

If you believe you don't need a post-retirement plan or beyond sports career plan, just ask athletes who have retired without them!

The knowledge of our combined diverse professional team is the key to our client's post-retirement and beyond sports success!

Our Fees 

(1)  We charge flat hourly (or “a la carte” rate) rates for services and comprehensive packages. Fees for consultation packages are principally determined according to the needs of the individual client and the complexity and scope of the plan and the client's objectives.

(2)  Our fees are not based on a professional athlete's earnings or personal assets or investments and we do not charge a commission!

We invest our time, knowledge, experience and expertise for our clients' success.

E-mail: info@proathleteadvisorsgroup.com   

Woodbridge: 203.387.1574 | Greenwich: 203.542.7288 | Manhattan: 212.829.4341 | White Plains: 914.705.5519 | Fort Lee: 201.490.1037